Welcome to Lochgilphead Joint Campus
Joint Campus Calendar
What's New at LJC
Latest LJC Newsletter
Welcome to the Lochgilphead Joint Campus website where you can find information about the school and keep up to date with the latest campus news. We are very lucky to have a modern, well-resourced building in a stunning location, which allows all of our pupils to thrive in an atmosphere of mutual respect. Our ethos is calm and relaxed but we are very serious about the delivery of high quality teaching and learning and we expect that all pupils will achieve to their fullest potential.
Strong values guide our work and inform our relationships with pupils, parents and the wider community. The campus values are achievement, ambition, equity and respect. We want our pupils to be ambitious, to aim high and achieve as much as they can but we fully recognise that achievement is much broader than examination results and we are very proud of our work with partners to provide a range of flexible options to meet the needs of all of our learners.
Social justice is very important to us and we strive to identify barriers at an early stage and address difficulties so that there is equity of opportunity for all of our pupils.
Positive relationships are vital to the success of the campus and our day to day business is conducted within an ethos of trust and respect. Good communication is the key to good relationships and we are committed to talking and listening to our pupils and parents and to keeping everybody up to date through our social media platforms and this website.
All of the staff in Lochgilphead Joint Campus look forward to working in partnership with our parents to help the pupils achieve their goals in life and to go into the wider world with kindness, compassion and integrity.
School Improvement Plan Overview 2023-24
Attendance Policy
Tracking Reports and Parents' Nights
Prelim Timetable
Parent Council Meeting Minutes - 14 November 2024
Parent Council
The Parent Council meet termly to advocate for parents and advise the school leadership team on all school related matters. The parent council minutes can be requested by emailing lochgilphead.parentcouncil@gmail.com
Mobile Phone Use in High School - Updated Policy for 2024/25
Stay Connected on Facebook
Visit the Lochgilphead Joint Campus and the Lochgilphead High School Parent Council Facebook pages to stay up to date on the latest campus news.